Craigslist, the grandmaster of online classifieds, is a familiar concept in most homes in America. It is a wonderful tool to declutter your life, and to make some extra cash. Finding the motivation to sell stuff can sometimes be the challenge. So take this opportunity right now!! Make a quick list of any possessions that you could live without, and jot-down a price next to each item on the list. Now take an additional 30% percent off each item to adjust for your high perception of what each items is actually worth, and this will establish a more realistic market value. By decluttering your life, you will be much more focused and productive with less stress. Below are also some tricks to help you sell:
- Pictures are worth a thousand words - Your picture is basically what is going to sell your item, so take your time and get a good picture.
- Polish up before your photo shoot - Take 2 minutes to dust off your item and make it presentable before you take the picture. A quick wipe with a damp cloth can do wonders on plastics.
- Include Specs - If you are selling furniture give the dimensions. When you sell electronics give the model number, etc. There is nothing worst than trying to guess how big something is from the picture. The more detail and information you include the better.
- Descriptions are our friends - Don't describe the item as an old rusted sewing machine, try vintage Model 66 singer sewing machine with light patina. If you don't describe it as desirable, nobody will want it.
- Put your name and phone number on the post - Nobody wants to email back and fort. If someone is interested in your item, they want it now.
- Se Habla English y Espanol - If you speak another language, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, Chinese , or whatever list it on the ad in addition to English. Some people are hesitant to call if English isn't their first language.
Consider the money an added bonus, for getting rid of all material things in life weighing you down. You won't believe how liberating it feels to simplify life by getting rid of your junk. Trust me you'll never even miss it and it only takes a moment.
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